The Green Link Partnership Announcement

OCTOBER 21 2020 — OnePointFive is pleased to announce a new partnership with The Green Link, which provides “Sustainability as a Service” — scanning the world for the right combination of existing proven clean technologies to solve for their clients’ environmental operational challenges. OnePointFive is excited for the opportunity to support and expand sustainability offerings to diverse multinational companies, empowering clients to make the most of the solution sets at their disposal. 


This opportunity will allow us to expand our capacity to provide holistic sustainability services through increased collaboration and engagement. The Green Link is built upon the belief that “all organizations, regardless of their size, will have no option but to improve their environmental footprint in order to secure their future business operations and that with 8 billions people on the planet, someone, somewhere has a part of the solution-set.” The Green Link leverages a network of technology scouts to “scan for and assess existing technologies best suited to solve today’s environmental challenges.”


Achieving sustainability is increasingly understood to be a combination of tools and a development of pervasive internal strategy and implementation to steer companies towards a green future. By partnering with OnePointFive, The Green Link strengthens its ability to ensure quality support in implementing and strategizing for its verified and scalable clean technology solution sets for its clients. OnePointFive’s global access to world-class experts and thorough strategic offering is critical to the diverse multinational companies we serve, empowering our clients to make the most of the solution sets at their disposal. 

As their website states, “The Green Link helps businesses operationalize their sustainable solution strategy by designing a landscape of viable technologies to choose from, anywhere around the world.”

You can read more about The Green Link at


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