Sofie Brøgger

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Sofie Brøgger

What do you do outside of OPF?

I spend the majority of my time studying Sustainable Development & International Relations at University of St. Andrews in Scotland, managing my startup, Concept Zero, and being involved in a few environmental projects at my university. To relax and stay grounded, I enjoy spending time in nature, especially hiking and camping, doing yoga and cooking. My other big passion is regenerative agriculture, in particular permaculture gardening.

What is rewarding about OPF? Why should someone join the community?

OPF is very intentional in how they approach and manage the virtual work environment and despite never having met any of my team members, I feel like I am working with close friends. I am so grateful for the care and attention given to the wellbeing of everyone in the community as well as the time that has been invested into my learning as a young professional entering the field. People should join OPF if they are passionate about climate and sustainability, committed to making a change, curious to learn and willing to invest in the community.

What is your favorite climate or sustainability resource?

I really enjoyed the book “Regenerative Leadership - The DNA of Life‑affirming 21st Century Organizations” by Giles Hutchins & Laura Storm. This book is a great introduction to how systems thinking and regenerative principles can be applied in design, business and personal life. It gave me a solid understanding of regeneration as a principle and provided many relevant further resources.

What type of expertise do you have?

As a young sustainability professional, I am still figuring out exactly where I’d want to specialize! However, by co-founding my startup Concept Zero, I have gained relevant experience with entrepreneurship, project management and communication. I am also experienced with growth and community building from previous roles and being a coordinator and/or founding member of several social impact and sustainability projects.


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Emily Hsu